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Senator Pauline Hanson at ACL's Gold Coast Federal Election Forum

Australian Christian Lobby

One Nation's Pauline Hanson was one of the politicans who took part in ACL's Federal Election Forum on the Gold Coast, where over 800 members of the public were in attendance asking questions. In her speech from the night, she shares about the importance of religious freedoms for all Australians.

Senator Pauline Hanson at ACL's Gold Coast Federal Election Forum

Senator Pauline Hanson at ACL's Gold Coast Federal Election Forum
Senator Pauline Hanson at ACL's Gold Coast Federal Election Forum

Australian Christian Lobby

One Nation's Pauline Hanson was one of the politicans who took part in ACL's Federal Election Forum on the Gold Coast, where over 800 members of the public were in attendance asking questions. In her speech from the night, she shares about the importance of religious freedoms for all Australians.