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Two Minute Tuesday -- Frame Your Mind with Faith -- ft. Chris Stefanick of Real Life Catholic

Real Life Catholic

So what's the frame through which you see your life? Is it your faith? There is no more beautiful, amazing, profound frame for life than the Gospel of Jesus Christ-and if you get that right, then no one will take away your joy. Let me ask you again-what is the frame for your life? Rule #9 comes from my new course Living Joy, which teaches you pr...

Two Minute Tuesday -- Frame Your Mind with Faith -- ft. Chris Stefanick of Real Life Catholic

Two Minute Tuesday -- Frame Your Mind with Faith -- ft. Chris Stefanick of Real Life Catholic
Two Minute Tuesday -- Frame Your Mind with Faith -- ft. Chris Stefanick of Real Life Catholic

Real Life Catholic

So what's the frame through which you see your life? Is it your faith? There is no more beautiful, amazing, profound frame for life than the Gospel of Jesus Christ-and if you get that right, then no one will take away your joy. Let me ask you again-what is the frame for your life? Rule #9 comes from my new course Living Joy, which teaches you pr...