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Two Minute Tuesday -- The Ultimate Sacrifice -- feat. Chris Stefanick of Real Life Catholic

Real Life Catholic

Think about this: God is MIGHTY. All it took was a movement of his will, a snap of his fingers, to call existence into the void. He "big banged" the Big Bang. He can split oceans and set stars and galaxies in motion. He can heal the blind with a word. Heck, he can "heal" the dead by saying "little girl, arise (Mark 5:41). He conquered death. But fo...

Two Minute Tuesday -- The Ultimate Sacrifice -- feat. Chris Stefanick of Real Life Catholic

Two Minute Tuesday -- The Ultimate Sacrifice -- feat. Chris Stefanick of Real Life Catholic
Two Minute Tuesday -- The Ultimate Sacrifice -- feat. Chris Stefanick of Real Life Catholic

Real Life Catholic

Think about this: God is MIGHTY. All it took was a movement of his will, a snap of his fingers, to call existence into the void. He "big banged" the Big Bang. He can split oceans and set stars and galaxies in motion. He can heal the blind with a word. Heck, he can "heal" the dead by saying "little girl, arise (Mark 5:41). He conquered death. But fo...