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AUSTRALIAN ELECTION 2022 - Poverty and Inequity in Australia - St Vincent de Paul Society - Vinnies

Vinnies Australia

Did you know that people on income support are five times more likely to live in poverty, making it harder for them to find a job. Over three million people, including 774,000 children, have been left behind. Last year, one-in-six Australians did not have enough to eat. 1.2 million children went hungry. And financial stress undermines people's heal...

AUSTRALIAN ELECTION 2022 - Poverty and Inequity in Australia - St Vincent de Paul Society - Vinnies

AUSTRALIAN ELECTION 2022 - Poverty and Inequity in Australia - St Vincent de Paul Society - Vinnies
AUSTRALIAN ELECTION 2022 - Poverty and Inequity in Australia - St Vincent de Paul Society - Vinnies

Vinnies Australia

Did you know that people on income support are five times more likely to live in poverty, making it harder for them to find a job. Over three million people, including 774,000 children, have been left behind. Last year, one-in-six Australians did not have enough to eat. 1.2 million children went hungry. And financial stress undermines people's heal...