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History, Culture, Education & Christianity - Cody Mitchell - Ep. 1 Daily Declaration Interviews

Canberra Declaration

What does the Bible say about remembering the past? How can Christianity contribute to modern Australian society? Warwick Marsh is joined by Cody Mitchell, a young writer, YouTuber and historian, to reflect on these questions and others. This conversation kicks off a new series of interviews from the Daily Declaration on matters of faith, life, ...

History, Culture, Education & Christianity - Cody Mitchell - Ep. 1 Daily Declaration Interviews

History, Culture, Education & Christianity - Cody Mitchell - Ep. 1 Daily Declaration Interviews
History, Culture, Education & Christianity - Cody Mitchell - Ep. 1 Daily Declaration Interviews

Canberra Declaration

What does the Bible say about remembering the past? How can Christianity contribute to modern Australian society? Warwick Marsh is joined by Cody Mitchell, a young writer, YouTuber and historian, to reflect on these questions and others. This conversation kicks off a new series of interviews from the Daily Declaration on matters of faith, life, ...