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The 'luminous land' of Malta awaits the arrival of Pope Francis

Vatican News

Only a few more hours remain before the start of the 36th Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis, a two-day journey taking place Saturday and Sunday. Welcoming and faith are the themes of this visit "in the footsteps of St Paul," while at the same time the journey will inevitably be marked by the war in Ukraine....

The 'luminous land' of Malta awaits the arrival of Pope Francis

The 'luminous land' of Malta awaits the arrival of Pope Francis
The 'luminous land' of Malta awaits the arrival of Pope Francis

Vatican News

Only a few more hours remain before the start of the 36th Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis, a two-day journey taking place Saturday and Sunday. Welcoming and faith are the themes of this visit "in the footsteps of St Paul," while at the same time the journey will inevitably be marked by the war in Ukraine....