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Christlike - The Courage of Faith

HM Television

"Seeing people being tortured for the Gospel has not only strengthened my faith but has given me a new vitality." Wakeup Project presents "Christlike: The Courage of Faith" in which the very protagonists of the persecution of faith in Christ share their experiences and show how the joy of bearing witness to Christ, who is alive, and His love for a...

Christlike - The Courage of Faith

Christlike - The Courage of Faith
Christlike - The Courage of Faith

HM Television

"Seeing people being tortured for the Gospel has not only strengthened my faith but has given me a new vitality." Wakeup Project presents "Christlike: The Courage of Faith" in which the very protagonists of the persecution of faith in Christ share their experiences and show how the joy of bearing witness to Christ, who is alive, and His love for a...