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EDITORIAL - Pope's Lesbos visit a plea to 'look migrants in the eye'

Vatican News

Our Editorial Director says Pope Francis' visit on Sunday to the Greek island of Lesbos reminds Europe and the world that migrants and refugees are people fleeing war and poverty who must be looked in the eye and not exploited. https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2021-12/pope-francis-on-lesbos-stop-this-shipwreck-of-civilization.html...

EDITORIAL - Pope's Lesbos visit a plea to 'look migrants in the eye'

EDITORIAL - Pope's Lesbos visit a plea to 'look migrants in the eye'
EDITORIAL - Pope's Lesbos visit a plea to 'look migrants in the eye'

Vatican News

Our Editorial Director says Pope Francis' visit on Sunday to the Greek island of Lesbos reminds Europe and the world that migrants and refugees are people fleeing war and poverty who must be looked in the eye and not exploited. https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2021-12/pope-francis-on-lesbos-stop-this-shipwreck-of-civilization.html...