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Saving a Dying, Shrinking Church

Breaking In The Habit

Most metrics regarding Church involvement in the United States are bleak. Fewer people attend services. Few people hold to the central beliefs of the faith. Fewer people are raising their kids in religious households. Fr. Casey looks to the words of Karl Rahner, S.J. and offers to paths to kickstarting our lives as disciples. SOCIAL MEDIA: Blog...

Saving a Dying, Shrinking Church

Saving a Dying, Shrinking Church
Saving a Dying, Shrinking Church

Breaking In The Habit

Most metrics regarding Church involvement in the United States are bleak. Fewer people attend services. Few people hold to the central beliefs of the faith. Fewer people are raising their kids in religious households. Fr. Casey looks to the words of Karl Rahner, S.J. and offers to paths to kickstarting our lives as disciples. SOCIAL MEDIA: Blog...