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What Forgiveness is Not, Episode 5 - His Name is Mercy

MGL Priests and Brothers

What is forgiveness not? In this episode, Fr Ken Barker MGL shares that sometimes what hinders us from forgiving others is having a wrong concept of what forgiveness is, explaining that it does not mean forgetting an offense but rather reaching a place where you can remember it graciously and have a freedom within you. // His Name is Mercy...

What Forgiveness is Not, Episode 5 - His Name is Mercy

What Forgiveness is Not, Episode 5 - His Name is Mercy
What Forgiveness is Not, Episode 5 - His Name is Mercy

MGL Priests and Brothers

What is forgiveness not? In this episode, Fr Ken Barker MGL shares that sometimes what hinders us from forgiving others is having a wrong concept of what forgiveness is, explaining that it does not mean forgetting an offense but rather reaching a place where you can remember it graciously and have a freedom within you. // His Name is Mercy...