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Pagan Roots to Christmas

Breaking In The Habit

Many have suggested that there are serious connections between the Christian celebration of Christmas and the Roman celebrations of their pagan gods, particularly Sol Invictus and Saturnalia. Is there truth to this? Why was December 25 chosen by Christians to commemorate Jesus' birth? SOCIAL MEDIA: Blog: https://goo.gl/QuB4ra Facebook: https:/...

Pagan Roots to Christmas

Pagan Roots to Christmas
Pagan Roots to Christmas

Breaking In The Habit

Many have suggested that there are serious connections between the Christian celebration of Christmas and the Roman celebrations of their pagan gods, particularly Sol Invictus and Saturnalia. Is there truth to this? Why was December 25 chosen by Christians to commemorate Jesus' birth? SOCIAL MEDIA: Blog: https://goo.gl/QuB4ra Facebook: https:/...