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Turn Around - Dominic Taaffe

HM Television

Dominic Taaffe was always fascinated with nature and the outdoors, which is what God used to turn around his life. As a child and teenager he went along with his parents' Catholic faith, but he hadn't really taken it on as his own. After Confirmation, Dominic began to discover God's presence, but the true turning point was at a Catholic scout camp ...

Turn Around - Dominic Taaffe

Turn Around - Dominic Taaffe
Turn Around - Dominic Taaffe

HM Television

Dominic Taaffe was always fascinated with nature and the outdoors, which is what God used to turn around his life. As a child and teenager he went along with his parents' Catholic faith, but he hadn't really taken it on as his own. After Confirmation, Dominic began to discover God's presence, but the true turning point was at a Catholic scout camp ...