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Ireland - A Deep-Rooted Faith

HM Television

'Ireland: A Deep-Rooted Faith' is an HM Television production in which Fr. Luke DeMasi, SHM, currently a missionary in Ireland, speaks about the roots of the Catholic faith in Ireland. The faith first came through St. Patrick who - after having lived in Ireland as a slave and regaining his freedom - felt an inner call to return there. St. Patrick l...

Ireland - A Deep-Rooted Faith

Ireland - A Deep-Rooted Faith
Ireland - A Deep-Rooted Faith

HM Television

'Ireland: A Deep-Rooted Faith' is an HM Television production in which Fr. Luke DeMasi, SHM, currently a missionary in Ireland, speaks about the roots of the Catholic faith in Ireland. The faith first came through St. Patrick who - after having lived in Ireland as a slave and regaining his freedom - felt an inner call to return there. St. Patrick l...