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Turn Around - Gemma Nootebos

HM Television

For Gemma growing up, her faith was more a label than a lifestyle. Over time she struggled with understanding God's personal love for her feeling herself unworthy of that love. After a personal experience of Jesus' love in the Blessed Sacrament, things changed not only in her faith but also in her life in general, turning her into a more joyful and...

Turn Around - Gemma Nootebos

Turn Around - Gemma Nootebos
Turn Around - Gemma Nootebos

HM Television

For Gemma growing up, her faith was more a label than a lifestyle. Over time she struggled with understanding God's personal love for her feeling herself unworthy of that love. After a personal experience of Jesus' love in the Blessed Sacrament, things changed not only in her faith but also in her life in general, turning her into a more joyful and...