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400 Friars in one place. What could go wrong...

Breaking In The Habit

Last week, 400 friars from around the United States gathered for a landmark meeting. It was the first of its kind in the United States, the largest and most diverse gathering in the history of our country. SOCIAL MEDIA: Blog: https://goo.gl/QuB4ra Facebook: https://goo.gl/UoeKWy Twitter: https://goo.gl/oQs6ck Instagram: https://goo.gl/ShMbh...

400 Friars in one place. What could go wrong...

400 Friars in one place. What could go wrong...
400 Friars in one place. What could go wrong...

Breaking In The Habit

Last week, 400 friars from around the United States gathered for a landmark meeting. It was the first of its kind in the United States, the largest and most diverse gathering in the history of our country. SOCIAL MEDIA: Blog: https://goo.gl/QuB4ra Facebook: https://goo.gl/UoeKWy Twitter: https://goo.gl/oQs6ck Instagram: https://goo.gl/ShMbh...