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Beware of Bad News

Real Life Catholic

Beware of bad news! Why is it that we're so attracted to negative news? It can really get you down, huh? It's because your brain didn't evolve to keep you happy-it evolved to keep you alive. I address this in today's short video... and offer a simple solution. After you watch the video on YouTube be sure to share your feedback. I really want to ...

Beware of Bad News

Beware of Bad News
Beware of Bad News

Real Life Catholic

Beware of bad news! Why is it that we're so attracted to negative news? It can really get you down, huh? It's because your brain didn't evolve to keep you happy-it evolved to keep you alive. I address this in today's short video... and offer a simple solution. After you watch the video on YouTube be sure to share your feedback. I really want to ...