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SIN CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY (A Catholic view)

Real Life Catholic

SIN CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY?? (A Catholic view) In this video I'm talking about the #1 lie that people believe... and how to conquer it. The ancient lie is that sin will make us happy. Is this really the case? Our addictions, our sins, our temptations are a STRUGGLE, but the truth is that it's a struggle to TRUST that what God has on the other ...

SIN CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY (A Catholic view)

SIN CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY (A Catholic view)
SIN CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY (A Catholic view)

Real Life Catholic

SIN CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY?? (A Catholic view) In this video I'm talking about the #1 lie that people believe... and how to conquer it. The ancient lie is that sin will make us happy. Is this really the case? Our addictions, our sins, our temptations are a STRUGGLE, but the truth is that it's a struggle to TRUST that what God has on the other ...