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Caff Bruno - aroma and solidarity in the care of creation 27.04.2021

Vatican News

In Thailand, thanks to the non-profit "Laudato si' social enterprise", created by a group of missionaries originally from the Italian ecclesiastical region of Triveneto, local laborers' ethical rights are guaranteed and their children have access to education. Produced in collaboration with IUSVE (Salesian University Institute of Venice and Vero...

Caff Bruno - aroma and solidarity in the care of creation 27.04.2021

Caff Bruno - aroma and solidarity in the care of creation 27.04.2021
Caff Bruno - aroma and solidarity in the care of creation 27.04.2021

Vatican News

In Thailand, thanks to the non-profit "Laudato si' social enterprise", created by a group of missionaries originally from the Italian ecclesiastical region of Triveneto, local laborers' ethical rights are guaranteed and their children have access to education. Produced in collaboration with IUSVE (Salesian University Institute of Venice and Vero...