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Turn Around - Claire Guernsey

HM Television

Claire Guernsey desired to love and be loved. She often searched not in God but elsewhere. After breaking off a relationship, because it wasn't one of true love, the Lord granted her the grace to come to know His love. One day looking at a crucifix she found Jesus' love and experienced that He loves us for who we are and that his love is faithful. ...

Turn Around - Claire Guernsey

Turn Around - Claire Guernsey
Turn Around - Claire Guernsey

HM Television

Claire Guernsey desired to love and be loved. She often searched not in God but elsewhere. After breaking off a relationship, because it wasn't one of true love, the Lord granted her the grace to come to know His love. One day looking at a crucifix she found Jesus' love and experienced that He loves us for who we are and that his love is faithful. ...