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Story - Laudato si' - Circle in Assisi 16.03.2021

Vatican News

Since February 2019, in the places hallowed by St Francis, a small group of people formed by the Global Catholic Climate Movement was mobilized to create deeper relationships with the Creator and their neighbors in light of the Encyclical Laudato si'. From this group, initiatives and collaboration have begun, including a commitment to the poorest c...

Story - Laudato si' - Circle in Assisi 16.03.2021

Story - Laudato si' - Circle in Assisi 16.03.2021
Story - Laudato si' - Circle in Assisi 16.03.2021

Vatican News

Since February 2019, in the places hallowed by St Francis, a small group of people formed by the Global Catholic Climate Movement was mobilized to create deeper relationships with the Creator and their neighbors in light of the Encyclical Laudato si'. From this group, initiatives and collaboration have begun, including a commitment to the poorest c...