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The Hardest Choice You'll Ever Have to Make - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon

Word on Fire

Friends, in our first reading today, we find ourselves face-to-face with an awful story which seems to harshly juxtapose God's loving nature with an appalling request: that Abraham sacrifice his own son. We should not read this as a story about the arbitrary and capricious "testing" of Abraham, but rather as a story about the ordering of our love-a...

The Hardest Choice You'll Ever Have to Make - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon

The Hardest Choice You'll Ever Have to Make - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon
The Hardest Choice You'll Ever Have to Make - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon

Word on Fire

Friends, in our first reading today, we find ourselves face-to-face with an awful story which seems to harshly juxtapose God's loving nature with an appalling request: that Abraham sacrifice his own son. We should not read this as a story about the arbitrary and capricious "testing" of Abraham, but rather as a story about the ordering of our love-a...