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Storia - Laudato si' - L'armadio etico

Vatican News

The 'Istituto Universitario Salesiano di Venezia e Verona' (Iusve) is promoting a 3-year campaign called Green Dream, dedicated to ecological awareness and transformative practices, inspired by the Encyclical Laudato si'. The idea of an "ecological closet" came out of this campaign - an exhibit of fabric, shoes and accessories produced by companies...

Storia - Laudato si' - L'armadio etico

Storia - Laudato si' - L'armadio etico
Storia - Laudato si' - L'armadio etico

Vatican News

The 'Istituto Universitario Salesiano di Venezia e Verona' (Iusve) is promoting a 3-year campaign called Green Dream, dedicated to ecological awareness and transformative practices, inspired by the Encyclical Laudato si'. The idea of an "ecological closet" came out of this campaign - an exhibit of fabric, shoes and accessories produced by companies...