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A miraculous story - how Gianna Jessen survived a saline abortion

Life Site News

Jessen was born during a saline abortion in a Los Angeles abortion clinic at 29 weeks. Jessen was only 2.5 pounds when she was born, but she miraculously survived. She was born 18 hours into the saline abortion procedure, which burn, blind and suffocates

A miraculous story - how Gianna Jessen survived a saline abortion

A miraculous story - how Gianna Jessen survived a saline abortion
A miraculous story - how Gianna Jessen survived a saline abortion

Life Site News

Jessen was born during a saline abortion in a Los Angeles abortion clinic at 29 weeks. Jessen was only 2.5 pounds when she was born, but she miraculously survived. She was born 18 hours into the saline abortion procedure, which burn, blind and suffocates