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Devotions, Relics and Catholic Piety - RJ Snell

The Coming Home Network International

RJ Snell grew up as a pretty stoic and practical Canadian Baptist, so when he first became interested in the Catholic Church, he was also somewhat put off by it, because of the gritty and visceral nature of some of Her devotional practices.

Devotions, Relics and Catholic Piety - RJ Snell

Devotions, Relics and Catholic Piety - RJ Snell
Devotions, Relics and Catholic Piety - RJ Snell

The Coming Home Network International

RJ Snell grew up as a pretty stoic and practical Canadian Baptist, so when he first became interested in the Catholic Church, he was also somewhat put off by it, because of the gritty and visceral nature of some of Her devotional practices.