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Let Go of your Comfort

Breaking in the Habit

For many people, comfort is the goal of life. For Christians, it can be a stumbling block preventing us from following Jesus. Whether we seek comfort out of fear, for the sake of pleasure, or simply because of apathy, it all has the same effect: we remain in the boat while Jesus is calling us out onto the water. Let go of your comfort, and let God ...

Let Go of your Comfort

Let Go of your Comfort
Let Go of your Comfort

Breaking in the Habit

For many people, comfort is the goal of life. For Christians, it can be a stumbling block preventing us from following Jesus. Whether we seek comfort out of fear, for the sake of pleasure, or simply because of apathy, it all has the same effect: we remain in the boat while Jesus is calling us out onto the water. Let go of your comfort, and let God ...