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Debunking the myth that unborn babies don't feel pain until 24 weeks

Life Site News

In today's episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon Van Maren speaks with John Bockmann, one of the authors of a new study who discovered that a fetus can feel pain much earlier than people think. This is a must watch episode for any pro-life activist.

Debunking the myth that unborn babies don't feel pain until 24 weeks

Debunking the myth that unborn babies don't feel pain until 24 weeks
Debunking the myth that unborn babies don't feel pain until 24 weeks

Life Site News

In today's episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon Van Maren speaks with John Bockmann, one of the authors of a new study who discovered that a fetus can feel pain much earlier than people think. This is a must watch episode for any pro-life activist.