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Changing Tracks - January Donovan

HM Television

This week January Donovan gets on our train. She is Filipino, although currently living in the United States, and is a wife and mother of five children. She grew up in the Philippines in a very happy and traditionally Catholic environment. When she moved to the U.S. during her adolescence, she began to fall away from the Faith. In this program, Jan...

Changing Tracks - January Donovan

Changing Tracks - January Donovan
Changing Tracks - January Donovan

HM Television

This week January Donovan gets on our train. She is Filipino, although currently living in the United States, and is a wife and mother of five children. She grew up in the Philippines in a very happy and traditionally Catholic environment. When she moved to the U.S. during her adolescence, she began to fall away from the Faith. In this program, Jan...