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In the heat and fire of rejection, we are NOT ASHAMED. - Martyn Iles 2019 ACL National Conference

Australian Christian Lobby

"Never doubt, in the heat and fire of rejection and anger, that God's work is being done, in God's way, when we are simply not ashamed." - Martyn Iles

In the heat and fire of rejection, we are NOT ASHAMED. - Martyn Iles 2019 ACL National Conference

In the heat and fire of rejection, we are NOT ASHAMED. - Martyn Iles 2019 ACL National Conference
In the heat and fire of rejection, we are NOT ASHAMED. - Martyn Iles 2019 ACL National Conference

Australian Christian Lobby

"Never doubt, in the heat and fire of rejection and anger, that God's work is being done, in God's way, when we are simply not ashamed." - Martyn Iles